Sunday, January 25, 2009


When do you start feeling like you've grown older? I think it happens when you suddenly realize that certain things don't matter the way they used to. You are not alarmed by the realization that there's nothing to do, you don't mistreat people like you used to because it was a sad fun thing to do, you forgive the moments of awkwardness introduced by somebody younger. When you find yourself in a certain dangerous or risky situation you handle it with ease and complete mastery and actually savor any sign of possible defeat, because you'll laugh at it. You observe weather differently too, it all makes sense. The moon cycles, migrations of bees and pollen, corn harvest time, the shifts in blues and font types, concentration foci points allowing for more ambiguity and less sharpness, some things stop being interesting all of a sudden. There are more interesting things now, but even they will soon submerge into a hallow abyss of not caring. Like when you read too many tweets at once and you know that there are so many more to read and you're so excited at heart but in reality you only want to read your own and why would that be happening? In growing older you notice the secret passageways that lead to the original source of happiness - not knowing, not caring. The good thing is that there are always things remaining that you haven't learned yet, so don't fret or regret anything, just go out there and learn. Get older, son.

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