Tuesday, January 27, 2009

R.I.P. John Updike

I have only read two of his novels, Brazil and The Witches of Eastwick, and I know only a little about his biography, but i don't need much else to accept him as one of the True Greats of the 21st Century. John Updike's stories are direct commentaries about us - the people, witty reminders of who we really are - sex-obsessed, troubled, vulnerable, charming, decaying beings. His novels are full of magic and surrealism, they communicate on many levels, but most importantly, they are honest. Unthinkable transformations of character and flesh take place in Brazil, yet they are so real that I can't find any strength to dismiss their possibility - love prevails in the most unusual way at the end. In The Witches of Eastwick, Darryl Van Horne's sermon alone is worthy of highest praise and absolute admiration, its genius! Updike's style of writing is elegant and erotic, its seducing and bewildering, it will make you tremble and ask yourself some serious questions. Its a pity we lost this great man, but I am happy that I have yet to discover so many of his works.

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